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Introduction to Rapid Platform

One can argue that a large part of business management is data management. It allows for efficient storage, organisation, and analysis of data, which can lead to better decision-making, improved productivity, and increased profitability.

Rapid Platform enables organisations to manage their data more efficiently. Using Rapid infrastructure, businesses can create their own custom database tables for storage and maintenance of business data. Further, it can integrate with Microsoft Power BI and allow users to create their own reports. These reports help business users to slice, dice and interpret information in a more meaningful manner. So whether a user wants to view sales charts by geography, an employee workload report or project status report with reference to schedule, everything easily possible via Rapid Platform.

Further, one cannot deny that processes are an integral part of every business. Business operations management is synonymous with business process management in many ways. Moreover, business processes are unique to every business, hence a its not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Rapid Platform provides businesses with the flexibility to easily draw their own business process diagrams which automate business operations. Rapid Platform provides a BPMN 2.0 based business process automation engine which is capable of fetching data from the databases and perform defined actions automatically. The best part is - its a ZERO CODE environment.

Finally, how much of business is about team management or people management! One can say a large part of business management is about delegating tasks to team members and monitoring outcomes effectively.

Rapid Platform offers a Task Experience which allows business managers to assign tasks to their teams and notify team members. Team members can easily manage their tasks and update status, log effort etc. using the Task Experience in Rapid Platform.

Hence, Rapid Platform allows businesses to effectively manage data, manage operations and manage teams.

What exact problems does Rapid Platform solve?

Rapid Platform is lifesaver if the below points resonate to your routine problems:

  • Have spreadsheets everywhere and finding it hard to keep on top of where you data is?
  • It is always a challenge to make sure everyone is up to date on the latest data.
  • Need to tell what has happened?
  • Have emails and chats and communication everywhere trying to organise things?
  • Not sure if you're on top of all the things that need to happen today?
  • Not sure if your team knows what needs to happen today?
  • Is everyone doing different things to solve the same problems?
  • Having trouble teaching new staff your processes? Need to communicate what you and your teams do to stakeholders?
  • Want to optimise operational behaviour and find bottle necks and wastage?
  • Need to collect data and keep it organised for compliance?
  • Every business is different and special, does no software solve what you really do?
  • Got different solutions around the place to try and jury-rig your own?

Rapid Platform is a strong information and automation system which helps you combat these grass-roots level problems and help build efficiencies throughout the DNA of the organisation.

Key Pillars to Rapid Platform

Rapid Platform stands on certain fundamental applications. These can be considered as Pillars to Rapid Platform:

1. Designer - This is the application where the system builder defines the custom database tables for data storage. Further, how the information will appear to the business user, can also be defined here. Therefore, Designer can broadly be considered as the data definition application.

2. Explorer - This is the application where the data values are displayed as defined in Designer. Business users access data using Explorer for decision making. Hence, Explorer can be considered as data presentation application.

3. Reports - Rapid Platform integrates with Microsoft Power BI to generate Power BI Reports based on data stored in Rapid Platform. The reports are displayed in Explorer. Hence, Reports can be considered

4. Workflow - This is the application where system builders can design business process diagrams. When the workflow diagrams are properly designed and executed, the workflow process engine will perform the defined actions. Hence, workflow is the process automation application.

5. Tasks Experience - This is an experience where individual team members can view the tasks assigned to them. They can update subject task activities and modify the status of them. This allows for easy task management, communication and monitoring.